mountain with Susan. They married more or less three years ago and they didn’t have any children. They were enjoying of a day off after going to work next day. The sun was shining and they were climbing the mountain while they were talking. Susan and John lived in a small village with less than two thousand inhabitants. They used to go every Saturday mornings to the mountain but Susan started to work in a bar near her village and she couldn’t go with John so they started to go on Sunday afternoons. John, on the contrary, worked in a paper mill in his village. They were a normal pair, like any other, and they were very happy since they knew each other. That afternoon, they went to a big mountain.
Suddenly, John heard a strange noise at the top of the mountain, and he turned of to look at Susan, but she wasn’t there. John was surprised. He called her but she didn’t answer. It was very strange because she was talking with him before he heard the noise. He climbed the mountain as fast as possible, but there wasn’t anybody at the top. He took out his phone but he hadn’t any coverage so, he decided to call her again shouting, but she didn’t answer.
He went to his house quickly and he took all the things he need to found Susan in the dark night: one lantern, a compass, a map, a thick coat and a rope. When he was ready, he went again to the mountain. But when he was near he heard the scream of a girl and immediately he realized that she was Susan. He was worried, so he switched on the lantern and he run as fast as he could, but when he arrived at the top there was nothing. Suddenly, he heard another strange noise.
John started running again. It was always the same! He heard a strange noise and then he started running! He had a bad feeling, he felt that Susan was really in danger, and he had to move quickly to avoid any tragedy. He run and run but he didn’t find anything. Suddenly he saw a light in the dark and he went walking there. When he arrived to the strange light all his live came down. Susan was killed like christ Jesus! She was standing up in a cross and her head was looking down. Who could be such a monster to do that? He looked around but there wasn’t nothing, only another small light it seemed to be a lantern. Now, he was angry, he want revenge. Her wife was killed but he will kill the murderer.
When John saw who was with the lantern, he rushed over her, she was the old woman that advised him before. He was so furious that he punched and kicked until she died. She was a disturbed woman and all the town congratulated him. They realized that they could walk on the field again.
We have been writing stories in colaborative groups for some days and we have contributed to do six stories. We have done one paragraph in each story.
If you want to read more stories made in colaborative groups here you have some links:
Ander Belza's story
Izadi Egizabal's story
Sara Birawi's story
Idoia Eceiza's story
Usoa Aldazabal's story
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